Monday, November 4th, 2019

Forum Goals:

Seeding new partnerships at the individual scale between 1) the network of UW-Madison researchers in the ecological, environmental, geographical, and earth sciences and 2) the Nature Net network of environmental educators.

For UW-Madison researchers, building connections with Nature Net organizations will create opportunities to engage with new audiences and increase the broader impacts of their research. For Nature Net members, these partnerships can help educators tap into the world-class networks of scientific expertise, outreach resources, and students available at UW-Madison.

Event Details:

Participants from the UW Research network and Nature Net representatives will be asked to fill out a pre-event questionnaire regarding their respective areas of work, and provide a one-page PowerPoint slide describing their focus area.

Participants will convene at 2pm on Monday, November 4th, 2019 at the UW Arboretum for a guided networking forum and discussion. A reception with light refreshments will follow. Travel stipends are available upon request; free parking is available at the Arboretum.

The forum will include an information packet with contact and other relevant information on all participating organizations and departments.

Participants should bring their business cards to share and distribute.

This event is made possible thanks to funding from the Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Seed Project Grant program. It is co-hosted by the UW-Madison Geography Department (Jack Williams), the UW-Madison Arboretum (Gail Epping Overholt), and Nature Net (Betsy Parker).